Wednesday, March 19, 2014

She's Back!!

Hello everyone! I apologize...Ellen and I have not been out to anywhere exciting lately due to the overwhelming schedule of the teaching credential program I am in.  While I had taken some pictures during Christmas time, I apparently did not post them on the blog.  So here are some adventures Ellen and I had in our last day of Kindergarten at Golden Empire Elementary School!! 

This is me and my wonderful Cooperating Teacher from my Kinder class on PJ day on the last day of school before Christmas.  Ellen joined us for our picture! Fun Fact about Carla: She is also a huge Ellen fan and has even been to the show a few times! 

Ellen is photographed here waiting to enjoy some delicious holiday treats for breakfast! 

Even though I would absolutely love to share all of the pictures we took as class (including an adorable one of all 30 students making Dory faces) I need to protect my dear little kindergartners from the internet, so I can't post them.
After Ellen and I started our break, we made a visit to our favorite place in Folsom! You guessed it... Toby Kieth's I Love This Bar and Grill for some quality time with Rachel and Anthony! 

Even Anthony was excited to see Ellen out! 

Ellen and Rachel are preparing for the great Grammy Selfie!! 

And of course we ran into some great Ellen Fans! 

The three stooges!

Now some of you may know that I had to start working part time again at Macaroni Grill.  While I was working one night, a group of high school students came in on their way to a Sadie Hawkins Dance.  As the group sat down, I noticed one girl had a poster of a boy as a date.  Because I didn't want her to feel awkward, I of course made it more awkward by bringing in Ellen to show her that some of the greatest people in the world carry around paper/cardboard people as friends.  The whole group of kids were great and very accepting of Ellen as she sat with them at dinner.  After they left, Ellen got right to work! 

They even have the same smile! 

Thank you high school kids of being so awesome to Ellen! 

Ellen is hard at work in the kitchen telling Julena what to do and where to cut the cheese! 

Ellen taking orders while simultaneously giving them out! 

She was named the official wine taster! 

Then she got to work mixing margaritas and shakin' martinis! 

While Ellen really enjoys working hard at Macaroni Grill, she also enjoys hanging out with friends...and superheros! Last week, we got to go to Comic Con in Sacramento with 2 great friends and Julena! We had such a blast taking pictures and meeting famous people! 

Here is Ellen on our way to the event.  She is wearing a cape and under her suit is the Captain Ellen logo!!

Because we weren't allowed to take pictures of Ralph Macchio without paying an arm and a leg (which Ellen doesn't have to give) we cheated the system and made it look like I was taking a picture of Sara and Julena with Ellen! HAHAHA try to catch us Karate Kid!!

Ellen and I are rocking our drink straps from (best invention since the wheel) 

Some nice fans just couldn't believe that Ellen wasn't charging for pictures! 

Oh Ellen... She is so sneaky! 

Du nu nu nun nu EL-LEN!!! 

If you're all alone...pick up the phone...and call Ellen and tell her to put me on her show! or Call the Ghostbusters if there is a ghost in your house! Then call Ellen and tell her about me! :) 

Sean Patrick Flannery from The Boondock Saints and other movies was so excited that Ellen came to see him! 

Thor was confused as to why Ellen wanted a picture.  

Then we met a great guy from who wanted to take a selfie with us and Ellen! 

Again, I'm sorry that I have been slacking on the blog! Don't worry...I haven't given up yet! I think that Ellen will find me one day and enjoy all of the places she has been, but the only way to get her to see all of these pictures is to share the blog with your friends and family.  Not only will it help me reach my dream, but just think about the affect you can have on someone's day when  you share this.  Your friend could quiet possibly be on Facebook right now crying because their newsfeed isn't filled with enough things that people have liked or shared, so you are doing them a favor by sharing it and you're doing yourself a favor because now they will be distracted by my hilarious blog and won't text you while your "studying".  

If you are reading this though, Thank You!! I appreciate you taking the time to read about my silly adventures during  your busy day.  We need more people like you in the world!

"Be kind to one another" - Ellen DeGeneres
