Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why am I doing what I am doing?

Hi! My name is Janise Cardinale and I carry an oversized Ellen DeGeneres head around with me wherever I go.  I get stares, I get shout outs, but best of all...I get smiles.  Making people smile makes me happy.  This is a trait that Ellen and I have in common.  Ellen just announced on her show yesterday that there would be a sequel to Finding Nemo entitled, Finding Dory. Everyone I know was so excited for this breaking news because we have all been waiting so long for a sequel to come out, and our wish was finally granted.  She said that anything can happen if you're patient and you beg hard enough. I strongly agree with this statement.  I have only been doing this blog for about 3 months, so I don't expect Ellen to call me tomorrow and tell me to fly down to visit her, but I have patience and hope.  Me and Ellen also share the trait that when we set our minds to something, we accomplish it.  Ellen made it a point to bring up the Nemo sequel more than once in order to get the idea out there and here we are now with a plan for the sequel to come out in 2015.  I will be making it a point to get myself out there and show off my giant Ellen head.  I carry around my Ellen head to make people smile, to brighten peoples' days, to meet Ellen.  I want to thank her for what a wonderful person I think she is because I feel like if someone is a good person, you should tell that person.  So I hope that after you read this, you will go to Ellen's website and tell her about me because I am a nice person and my pictures made you laugh.  And if you don't, then don't worry..."I'll just keep swimming"

Thank you for your love and support! "Be kind to one another"-Ellen

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